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Published by nEST Books in collaboration with Print Tailors & Adam Rei

Lanya’s Journey begins when Lanya's grandfather takes her to Austria for her birthday. They travel by train from London to Vienna and back, during which time he guides her in an inner journey, a preparation for life and for the world. It begins when she asks him, “You know God and religion and all that? I find it all so confusing and I thought you could help me understand.” Their conversation explores space and the universe and extends to why there are so many religions, how to detect truth, whether good comes of free will and the value of answers that come from within. They talk about climate change and fear for the continuation of life on earth; about faith, and about ways of interpreting the Lord’s Prayer. By the time they arrive back where they started, Lanya has learnt the values she will need to live a good and meaningful life of inner strength and love.​ISBN-10 : 1097309134ISBN-13 : 978-1097309139

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